Klamath Recreation Connection
When: June 20th, 2017
Where: Margaret Keating Elementary School
On Tuesday, June 20th 2017, True North's Klamath Local Organizing Committee (KLOC) requested public officials from Del Norte County, the Yurok Tribe, the Yurok Indian Housing Authority, and the Resighini Rancheria for formal commitments to work together to maintain existing youth recreation facilities (ball fields, basketball courts and playgrounds) and seek funding for new recreational facilities in Klamath, California. Each representative agreed, and began work on a plan.
This action is the result of several years of research during which Klamath community members held hundreds of conversations to identify important community issues. One issue that came up in almost every conversation was the need for improved youth recreational facilities. People discussed substance abuse and mental health issues among youth as being directly related to a lack of safe recreational facilities. People also mentioned the incredible danger their children face having to play in impromptu street courts or under-maintained fields.