Core Issues
In 2014, True North held a regional listening campaign through Humboldt, Del Norte and Tribal Lands. We set out to understand the deep, systemic pain felt by the marginalized communities of our region. Over 1,000 conversations were had, asking people to answer the questions: “Where is the pain in your community? What keeps you awake at night? What is your vision for the future of our region?”
At the end of our listening season, 220 people from Tribes, community organizations, and faith groups came together in Orick for a Regional Assembly. Leaders of True North collectively identified the most urgent sources of struggle in our communities to set the course of the organization. United by shared values, youth, elders, tribal members, immigrants, and faith leaders identified five campaign platforms for action.
Water &
The Environment
Homelessness & Housing
Public Education
In addition to our work on specific issue areas, True North also does general civic engagement work, including voter registration, candidates forums, voter education, door-to-door canvassing and more.